The Unlicense: The First Year in Review
Arto Bendiken
2011-01-02 08:59:01 UTC
As promised, the first-year review blog post. I've included the
plain-text content inline here so as to make it easy to respond to and
comment on any given paragraph.

Note that I had intended to include more details and some specific
project descriptions, but I'm presently sorely pressed for time so
those will have to wait for another post.


It's Public Domain Day again, and it's now been exactly a year since I
first introduced the Unlicense.org initiative: an easy-to-use template
and process intended to help coders waive their copyright and dedicate
all their code to the public domain with no strings attached. It seems
a good time for a brief recap of the happenings on this front over the
last 365 days.

A year ago, the first three hackers to adopt the Unlicense were Ben
Lavender, Zachary Voase, and I. All open-source software the three of
us have produced in the last year, combined totaling tens of thousands
of lines of code, has been entirely copyright-free. You can "steal" it
all you like, and we just won't care. You can "forget" to attribute
us, and we'll "forget" to give a damn. We have better things to do.
And as it turns out, we're not the only ones to think that way.

The Unlicense initiative grew from numerous coffee-and-beer
discussions the three of us had had throughout the rainy Spanish
winter regarding how we could stop copyrighting the code we were each
publishing as open source. Informed by much previous reading on the
sordid history of copyright, and philosophically speaking no doubt
inspired and prompted by Mike Gogulski's visit in the early winter, we
had each arrived at the same basic dilemma: we wanted out of the
copyright game, but were unsure how it could effectively be done in
practice. Precedent was scarce.

Researching the matter extensively clarified what had to be done, but
also made clear that few others would have been likely to expend such
an effort in figuring it all out. Even if others might otherwise have
been inclined to opt out of copyrighting their code, the perceived
legal morass of the public domain would have incentivized just using
some very permissive license instead. This was a problem that deserved
a solution.

Thus was conceived the legal hack that became the Unlicense, a name I
had come up with after earlier discussions with Peter Saint-Andre and
Vinay Gupta about rebranding the public domain.

As I've previously detailed in Dissecting the Unlicense: Software
Freedom in Four Clauses and a Link, the solution presented by the
Unlicense was heavily inspired by the approach and the process used by
one of the most successful public-domain software projects of all
time, the SQLite database system. If you have a smartphone, you
already have SQLite in your pocket. You also almost certainly have
SQLite on your desktop or laptop. With at the very least 500 million
deployments worldwide, SQLite is everywhere. Its licensing terms, or
more to the point its non-licensing terms, have certainly not impeded
that success; if anything, they have driven its proliferation.

Other significant inspiration and ingredients for the Unlicense were
the hybrid public-domain dedication and copyright waiver approach used
by Creative Commons Zero, as well as the don't-sue-me legalese from
the widely-used MIT/X11 license. A final component was understanding
that open-source software has important established conventions, among
them the LICENSE file, and that beyond everything else we had to also
be able to satisfactorily answer pragmatic questions such as "But
everyone has a license file; hence I need a license file; what do I
put in it?"

When we launched the Unlicense a year ago, we were not at all certain
how it would be received or if it would have any uptake whatsoever.
The immediate reaction was perhaps not greatly encouraging: my initial
blog post topped the Reddit "most controversial" list for a time, the
downvotes eventually winning the day.

This was to be expected, as the target audience for the Unlicense
really consists only of those developers who are already using
permissive licensing; yet copyleft advocates still pretty much
dominate open-source communities, though perceptibly in relative terms
rather less overbearingly than they did a decade before. So, the
Unlicense immediately served to add a new variable and more fuel to
the perennial BSD/MIT vs GPL flamewars. From long conversation threads
on Twitter and Identi.ca, some of the more amusing strong-copyleft
reactions included assertions such as that the Unlicense "allows evil
stuff" and an implication that we might be some sort of a Microsoft
conspiracy. (Bill Gates, we're all ears should you wish to fund
public-domain advocacy.)

There were also positive early signs, however. Most importantly,
external adoption of the Unlicense began immediately. For example,
some programmers initially used the Unlicense for the code snippets
that they published on their blogs, or similarly unlicensed smaller
scripts and utilities that they published on GitHub and elsewhere.
Within a couple of weeks, the popular open-source software blog
OStatic was describing us as a "movement". They may have jumped the
gun on that one a wee bit, but now, a year later, it doesn't seem an
entirely unfitting description.

It's difficult to give estimates of current Unlicense adoption. We
initially tried to maintain a project list on Unlicense.org, but its
current 50-odd listed projects represent only a small subset of the
entirety of Unlicense usage out there today. We still add projects to
the list upon request, but with Google Alerts notifying me of new
unlicensed scripts and projects just about every single day, we've
long since passed the point where that list could be considered
canonical or up to date.

The best estimate I can give, from having semi-actively tracked the
growth of adoption for the last year, is that there must at the very
least now be many hundreds of projects using the Unlicense. I doubt we
have yet crossed the 1,000-project mark, but I'm quite certain that in
another year's time we will have.

Already as of today, Unlicense adopters include a very diverse range
of projects: software libraries, code generators, database abstraction
layers and even database engines, web frameworks, HTML templates,
blogging engines, low-level network utilities, 3D game engines,
command-line utilities, Mac OS X applications, iPhone games, Firefox
and Google Chrome extensions, jQuery plugins, Django packages,
WordPress plugins, Drupal modules, Ubercart and VirtueMart payment
gateways, and much more besides.

The adoption rate is also growing, as makes sense when awareness of
the Unlicense diffuses ever wider, reaching ever more developers.
Since we've done hardly any advocacy other than the rare blog post and
occasional tweet, our growth factors have really only been
word-of-mouth plus any implicit or explicit references in the
documentation of existing unlicensed projects. It seems to have been

Looking forward to 2011 and beyond, the future of the Unlicense, and
the public domain more generally, looks promising. I recently had the
opportunity to engage in a brief dialogue with Mike Linksvayer, the
vice president of Creative Commons. It turns out that the folks at
Creative Commons are already aware of the Unlicense initiative, and
supportive of it. This is truly gratifying and welcome news indeed.

Mr. Linksvayer relates that though Creative Commons have previously
discouraged using any of their licensing instruments for software,
there has been discussion concerning the application of CC0,
specifically, to cover software as well. This raises the question of
how that might affect the Unlicense initiative or whether existing
Unlicense adopters would be compatible with CC0 code as well; the
answer is simple, due to the public domain being the superset of all
more restrictive licensing arrangements.

Firstly, should CC0 come to be considered an exception to the more
general Creative Commons policy regarding applicability to software,
Mr. Linksvayer sees that as complementary to the Unlicense, not
competitive. Further, both approaches are fully compatible and
interoperable, since both are at base intended as explicit
public-domain dedications and copyright waivers, not licenses per se.
And it's naturally very easy to remix code that has no strings
whatsoever attached to it: there's just nothing to get tangled up in.

If the Unlicense and CC0 both become viable options for publishing
public-domain code, then the choice of which one to use becomes almost
just a question of personal brand preference: those more comfortable
in the mainstream might perhaps be expected to go with CC0, yet others
might still prefer the explicit and strong "opt-out" subtext of the
Unlicense. In any case, both will amount to the same thing:
copyright-free code that anyone can use freely for any purpose without

Here's to a great 2011 during which we'll seek to collaborate with
Creative Commons on establishing both the Unlicense and CC0 more
widely, grow the public domain as well as related advocacy and
education efforts, and do our part in serving as the crucial
counterbalance to copyright laws that keep getting ever worse, never
better. Anyone looking to join the conversation should follow
@mlinksva and @bendiken on Twitter and/or Identi.ca, as well as
consider subscribing to the CC-licenses/CC-community and Unlicense
mailing lists.
Arto Bendiken | http://ar.to/