ANNOUNCE: pdcore
2010-03-11 10:56:51 UTC
pdcore is a new SourceForge project that aims to create a POSIX.1-2008
compliant public domain implementation of the core UNIX file, shell
and text manipulation utilities.

Project home: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdcore/
Website: http://pdcore.sourceforge.net/

If anyone here feels able to contribute, they would be most welcome.
Andy Elvey
2010-03-11 20:20:57 UTC
Post by patrick
pdcore is a new SourceForge project that aims to create a POSIX.1-2008
compliant public domain implementation of the core UNIX file, shell
and text manipulation utilities.
Project home: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdcore/
Website: http://pdcore.sourceforge.net/
If anyone here feels able to contribute, they would be most welcome.
Sounds like an excellent idea!

If you pop over to my Git repo here -

- you'll see a section called "pdutils". In amongst that pile of bits
and pieces is a directory called "grep1".
That's a grep implementation from OpenBSD - all of the files in that
directory are public domain.
( If you let me know how to do a digitally-signed email, I'll send an
email to you with the Unlicense text in it. )

That should be a useful start anyway... :)

Best wishes -
- Andy
2010-03-12 10:31:02 UTC
Thanks for that, Andy -- I'll have a good look once I get around to
writing regexen-based utilities.

Andy Elvey
2010-03-12 22:54:46 UTC
Post by patrick
Thanks for that, Andy -- I'll have a good look once I get around to
writing regexen-based utilities.
Ok, you're welcome... :)

On looking at the code again, I think it is possible that the grep I
mentioned may have been done mainly for the P..D. "mg" editor in
OpenBSD. Anyway, even if that were the case, the code may well prove
useful for a more general "grep" (and I guess grep works similarly
whether it is used in an editor or from the command-line).

- Andy
Zachary Voase
2010-03-14 23:32:13 UTC
I happened to stumble across the following blog post today:


At the end of the post it mentions that Anthony Howe wrote an implementation of grep for the 1993 Obfuscated C Coding competition (which he won), and that he released an un-obfuscated version of the entry too. It links to this zip archive:


If you look in tools.95/ag/93/winner/agag.c, you'll find the regex implementation, released into the public domain :) Hope this helps,

2010-03-16 11:58:42 UTC
Post by Zachary Voase
If you look in tools.95/ag/93/winner/agag.c, you'll find the regex implementation, released into the public domain :) Hope this helps,
Many thanks, Zachary. That looks as though it will save me some
considerable pain :-)

2010-03-26 17:47:10 UTC
Post by patrick
pdcore is a new SourceForge project that aims to create a POSIX.1-2008
compliant public domain implementation of the core UNIX file, shell
and text manipulation utilities.
Project home: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdcore/
Website: http://pdcore.sourceforge.net/
Wow, this seems a *very* good project. I'm testing it on NetBSD
(Alpha) and seems to be working fine. Great!
Post by patrick
If anyone here feels able to contribute, they would be most welcome.
I wish to be more proficient in C. However, I'll take the
opportunity to regain confidence in C by studying pdcore.


SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

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2010-03-30 12:43:02 UTC
Post by chr
Wow, this seems a *very* good project. I'm testing it on NetBSD
(Alpha) and seems to be working fine. Great!
Thanks -- that's great to hear.
Post by chr
I wish to be more proficient in C. However, I'll take the
opportunity to regain confidence in C by studying pdcore.
You are doing me a huge favour just by testing the code. I know that
there's not much there yet, but I'm going to keep plugging away in my
odd free hours. Do please let me know (the project forum would
probably be your best bet) if you find any issues with the code.

Thanks again for the feedback :-)

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